12 Questions That Should Be Asked During a Reference Check
July 23, 2024

The term “background check” is unfortunately a generic term for many. Some human resources professionals may only describe it as a Criminal Record Check while others outside of the industry may thing that there is a Hollywoodesque data center where all known knowledge of candidates is held and a few keystrokes will show everything. As nice as the latter may sound, the goal of a comprehensive background check report is to “paint a picture” of a future employee. One portion of the background check report are Reference Checks.
A hiring background check will not provide insight such as interpersonal skills, motivation and timeliness / tardiness. Employment Reference Check Services offer detailed personality information from previous co-workers and business associates. Information such as personality traits, trustworthiness and peer observations can all provide information to confirm if the candidate is a good cultural fit. Here are the 10 questions that should be asked during an Employment Reference Check:
1. What was the name of the company and your title when you worked with him/her?
Yes, the investigation starts on the very first question. There is a difference between a personal and a professional reference. This simply question can help in identifying how professional this relationship is.
2. What was his/her job title?
Was the candidate giving themselves too much credit when applying for the position? This question could help identifying their true role.
3. Were you colleagues or a supervisor?
Most organizations have a well-defined corporate hierarchy. Understanding the reference’s role can provide insight on their relationship with their peers or supervisors.
4. How long have you known him/her?
With employee turnover causing issues in every industry, this question is great for a better understanding of the length of a relationship that they deem valuable.
5. How would you describe his/her character?
This question assists in going beyond the “yes / no” answer to a criminal record check. This may provide details of the potential candidate’s personality traits as viewed by their peers.
6. When he/she begins a task, would you say that he/she carries it through to completion? Please explain:
A candidate can have a great personality and get along with their peers, but being able to uncover their motivation can be a strong performance indicator in relation to their new role.
7. Did he/she ever display dishonesty in the work force?
This simple question can assist in understanding the trustworthiness of a potential new employee.
8. What were their daily responsibilities?
Even with a completed Employment Verification, the daily responsibilities of the candidate could be embellished.
9. What would you say is his/her greatest strength?
A question like this can assist in “painting a picture” of a candidate.
10. What would you say would be an area of improvement?
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. By understanding an area of improvement, employers can potentially prepare of a candidate’s shortcomings.
11. Is he/she dependable?
Timeliness and / or tardiness is important to any role. Knowledge of a candidate’s priority to their previous job may carryover to their new role.
12. How did he/she get along with his/her associates?
A cultural fit can be important to any hire for any position.
Overall, a strong Reference Check can help organization’s understand the person behind the resume. Learn how SwiftCheck can provide the right Employment Reference Check Services for your organization.