myStaffingPro Background Check
We keep it simple. A no-hassle MyStaffingPro background check integration.
(SwiftCheck utilizes an expert third-party integration company with over 23 years of experience for all ATS / HRIS integrations.)

myStaffingPro Background Check
We keep it simple. A no-hassle MyStaffingPro background check integration.
(SwiftCheck utilizes an expert third-party integration company with over 23 years of experience for all ATS / HRIS integrations.)
myStaffingPro Background Check
SwiftCheck Screening provides a pre-built integrated myStaffingPro background check to users. This myStaffingPro integration allows background check information to the myStaffingPro ATS. From the standard myStaffingPro background check integration to a complex software ATS integration solution, SwiftCheck offers an integration that fits your organization’s needs. Our Swift Suite technology solutions allow better employment background screening turnaround times and cost-saving features without ever having to leave the myStaffingPro interface.
About MyStaffingPro
Founded in 1993, myStaffingPro started as a recruitment process outsourcing company based in Lima, OH, serving companies in the Midwest. Our software was initially developed as a solution for the company’s own internal project tracking needs. The popularity of the software encouraged us to develop it as a web-based solution that could be purchased by clients and customized based on company need. myStaffingPro’s current product assists HR professionals with attracting, recruiting, hiring and onboarding new employees.
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